Bio Security



Monitoring and compliance

Training &

Council approved
compliance monitoring

Bio Security

Kauri Die Back

Real time

Capture- Document- Report

Specialist monitoring services around Kauri

  • We provide specialist monitoring services for works in and around Kauri. Our team are equipped with the knowledge to answer the following questions:
    • What is Kauri Dieback?
    • How it is spread?
    • What risks does it present?
    • What are the hygiene and soil movement protocols, and how can we comply to them?
    • How do we manage a site with Kauri on it?

Specialist technical advisory services

With over 20 years experience, Arborlab have developed bespoke processes and systems to tailor our services to your specific needs.

Talk to one of our solutions experts

With over 20 years experience our consulting team specialise in Arboriculture, Ecology and Green space asset management and sustainability